
New Product AudioWave (MSX-Audio) Pre-Order


AUDIOWAVE is fully compatible with the MSX AUDIO standard.
The standard allows you to control up to 2 cartridges simultaneously.
Chip: Y8950, with:
09 channels with FM synthesis.
01 4-bit ADPCM channel, with 8-bit and 16 Khz resolution.
RAM and ROM:
256 Kb Sample RAM
512 Kb FLASHROM, allowing BIOS upgrade.
32 Kb WorkRAM
Contains the MSX-BASIC extension and musical keyboard software in ROM.
In and out:
Line Out Jack P2.
Line In Jack P2 - used for audio capture.
Connector to use compatible musical keyboards, such as: YAMAHA YK-01, YK-10 and YK-20; Panasonic FS-MKB1; TOSHIBA HX-MU901
There is an extensive MSX software library supporting MSX-AUDIO. According to the Generation MSX website, there are about 234 softwares, including floppy magazines, games, demos and music-disks:

AudioWave video in action


Worldwide sales.

Price USD 82,00

Shipment USD 38,00

You can buy the first unit plus shipping, and we can send up tree units with the same shippment.

Paypal fees 7.0%

Closed the first batch interested send us email to: tecnobytesbrasil@gmail.com

Vendas para o Brasil 

Preço de USD 82,00 (dólar do dia do pagamento)

Pode ser pago de 3 maneiras:

Transferência bancaria (itau)
QR Code (cartão de crédito)

Interessados favor enviar uma e-mail para: tecnobytesbrasil@gmail.com para calculo do frete.


V9990 Powergraph Light New Batch 2020/02

 Hello Tecnobyters !!!

Here Goes a new Powergraph Light batch !!!

The new adapater for S-video and Composite video (Package included)

  •     Multiple signal connector (RGB/15khz VGA pinout).
  •     VRAM: 512kb (Dual Port). Extremely fast access.
               Up to 32768 simultaneous colors (YJK's, from V9958, can clip the colors in order to the proper range).
  •     Up to 64 palletes, using up to 32768 colors. The R, G, B levels can go from 0 to 31 (V9958 colors' range can go from 0 to 7).
  •     Interlace.
  •     Overscan (full screen).
  •     Smooth vertical (up to 16 pages) and horizontal scroll (up to 8 pages).
  •     Faster hardware commands.
  •     No bottleneaks in records and VRAM access.
  •     Resolutions: 256 x 212, 384 x 240, 512 x 212, 768 x 240 among others.
  •     Up to 256 sprites.
  •     Up to 125 simultaneous sprites on the screen.
  •     Up to 16 sprites in the same line.
  •     Full color sprites (V9938 and V9958 can handle only one color per sprite line).
  •     Graphic tiled modes:
  •     P1 and P2 - Specially suitable for games (using 8x8 tiles, like screen 1 and 2).
  •     P1 - Up to 256 x 212 resolution using up to two competing plans (dual plane) with independent scrolls for each plan.
  •     P1 - similar to screen 5 (256 x 212, 16 colors), plus the tiled mode.
  •     P2 - similar to screen 7 (512 x 212, 16 colors), one plane - plus the tiled mode.

*** FAQ - CLICK HERE ***

Yamaha V9990 Application Manual

Banzai - Subset of Yamaha V9990 Programmers Manual

TNI Gbasic

GFX9000 Library

Games and Softs for V9990 (list)

V9990 Games, Demos and More (videos)!!


Worldwide sales.

Price USD 115,00

Shipment USD 38,00

You can buy the first unit plus shipping, and we can send up tree units with the same shippment.

Paypal fees 7.0%


Vendas para o Brasil 

Preço de USD 115,00 (dólar do dia do pagamento)

Interessados favor enviar uma e-mail para: tecnobytesbrasil@gmail.com para calculo do frete.