Powergraph Light Rev 2 with built-in adapter
We thank our customers, because the
entire new batch of Powergraph Light Rev 2
has been sold out !!!
- Multiple signal connector (RGB/15khz VGA pinout).
- Svideo and Compisite video include in cartridge
- VRAM: 512kb (Dual Port). Extremely fast access.
Up to 32768 simultaneous colors (YJK's, from V9958, can clip the colors in order to the proper range).
- Up to 64 palletes, using up to 32768 colors. The R, G, B levels can go from 0 to 31 (V9958 colors' range can go from 0 to 7).
- Interlace.
- Overscan (full screen).
- Smooth vertical (up to 16 pages) and horizontal scroll (up to 8 pages).
- Faster hardware commands.
- No bottleneaks in records and VRAM access.
- Resolutions: 256 x 212, 384 x 240, 512 x 212, 768 x 240 among others.
- Up to 256 sprites.
- Up to 125 simultaneous sprites on the screen.
- Up to 16 sprites in the same line.
- Full color sprites (V9938 and V9958 can handle only one color per sprite line).
- Graphic tiled modes:
- P1 and P2 - Specially suitable for games (using 8x8 tiles, like screen 1 and 2).
- P1 - Up to 256 x 212 resolution using up to two competing plans (dual plane) with independent scrolls for each plan.
- P1 - similar to screen 5 (256 x 212, 16 colors), plus the tiled mode.
- P2 - similar to screen 7 (512 x 212, 16 colors), one plane - plus the tiled mode.
Game from Kai game from Kai Magazine
Ghost'n Gobilins (ASM) MSX for V9990
Worldwide sales.
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